Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Thirteen Today

Photos, that is. And hopefully you can see the videos, which should be above this post (?). If you just see this one I'm in the process of working on it, while eating my Gazpacho! LOVE Gazpacho. Okay, the Gazpacho will probably be gone by then. I hope Julien and his mother can forgive my garlic breath tomorrow!

So Gena is using the "old" camera, and we discovered (remembered) two good
reasons why it can still be a very good thing to keep handy! Aside from her being able to take pictures of me, like the one above! First of all, the "old" camera can take much closer macro-type photos (closeups) than the new camera. This is because the all-in-one lens on the "old" camera is designed to do this, while none of the lenses I have for the new camera are designed to focus this close (I would need something like this - on the list, but out of budget for the near/foreseeable future)

So with the old camera I can take closer pictures that I can't with the new one, like these:

The second thing is that it can record video - unlike the new camera - and those should be posted above this post, or on the way, or I'm having technical difficulties.

Here are the other pictures from today. Enjoy! I'm off to bed again! Gena is home tomorrow, so maybe she'll write some words if we can get the baby settled in here.

This is the crib thing the American Hospital of Paris give us to use in the maternity ward. Pretty nice, and name brand! See that white and blue thing in which Julien is sleeping? That says "American Hospital of Paris" on it? They tried to sell us one to take home - new of course - for 70€. That's about $95. Wow!

Another family picture attempt. Julien was awake this time, now he just has to look at the camera!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Olivers!
What fantastic news! Welcome to the world Julien Michael! I'm so happy to see everyone perfectly healthy & happy. Congrats to Mommy & Daddy on such a handsome little boy!!! Can't wait to meet him at Christmas.