Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Still Waiting

It seems to be time for my weekly blog check-in. We are still waiting for the baby,obviously. I finished my medication to stop contractions today so maybe he will arrive soon. I feel good, besides the worrying about when he will get here. I saw the anesthesiologist last week and signed all the paper work for the epidural.

The anesthesiologist explained more about the delivery in one visit than my Obgyn did in 9+ months. I used the same anesthesiologist last year when I had surgery so I trust him and really like him. He also explained a little about my elevated blood sugar which was helpful.

In other more exciting news we received PRESENTS for the baby. Our friends from Sartomer US were so nice to remember us and send us gift cards and gifts for the baby. I was really surprised and so touched they thought of us all the way over here in Paris and gone for three years. I didn't expect anything in the way of a shower but it felt like I kind of had one when I received a big box full of treats.

We also got the baby area set up this weekend. Josh was so great and worked all day Saturday to get our upstairs super clean and ready for the baby. I can't do much because of doctors orders and sheer exhaustion so he did it all. We now have a cat hair free rug and the bed is all set up and ready. I have all his clothes for 0-3 months washed and ready to go in his little dresser. We also have a changing area and all his bath products ready. Now we just need the baby!


Anonymous said...

Glenda and I are excited beyond what you and Josh can imagine. It's a great time for both of you and us as well!

Thanks for the updates.

All is well here. We just walked in from 3 days at the shore. Glenda leaves tomorrow (Wed) for CA to see her Mom and Dad. Both of them seem ok as of today!


Anonymous said...


Can we start a pool on this? If so, I'd like to take August 20th.


Josh said...

I called the 20th weeks, maybe months ago. I figured that would be about the worst time - miss a free day off on the 15, our doctor still on vacation, traffic starting to pick up at the end of August...

But, I think I'd move it up now, to like 14-15th. So you can have 20.

Anyone else want in?