I promise once this baby comes I will blog about something other than being pregnant! Then every blog will probably be about THE BABY.
I had my doctors appointment last night, the one we scheduled on the slight chance I wouldn't have the baby by August 14. The appointment was at 9 PM because my doctor was in town for only one day. He did an exam and said the baby was big but not too big (at the last appointment he was REALLY big). I have cut out sugar and tried to modify my diet after having high glucose so maybe this made a difference, I am not sure. The baby is actually measuring at 38 weeks so for the first time he is on target with the due date. The doctor also said the baby is still high and I haven't started labor yet (not dilated or effaced). So much for having the baby early.
After the exam he sent us up to maternity to have a fetal stress test to check the baby was okay because I said he wasn't moving as much as before. The test was great, they baby is doing exactly what he should. I am also great, no contractions and my blood pressure is "perfect". I think maybe I just forgot how much the baby moved before compared to know, I am not sure. I did forget to put my shoes back on after my exam so I don't really trust my memory right now.
The maternity ward is beautiful. It just opened this summer and everything is brand new and lovely. I had my test in a birthing room which has a jacuzzi tub, an lots of cool buttons on the bed and a flat screen TV. Josh was under the impression the tub was for him after he goes for a run while I am in labor, I had to set him straight about that. The test was given by the midwife who was really nice, I hope the one I get is as sweet. I am glad I got a chance to see where I will have the baby before just arriving at the hospital.
I was somewhat disappointed just to go home. I was kind of hoping they would tell me I was ready to have the baby or something. After the last appointment I really thought he would come any day but now it seems he is going to be on time. It is great that everything is going well and we are both healthy but I am so anxious to meet the little guy! I have an appointment with the midwife for August 24, I think she will check me then and let me know how things are progressing. My doctor returns from vacation on August 27 so I need to call him that day and make an appointment (if the baby isn't here yet).
In other news Kristen, Scott and Eric left this morning. It was really nice to see them and catch up after so long. We will see them again in November when we go out to California for Thanksgiving. Our friend Maureen is coming this weekend which will be great. I wish we had the baby to introduce her to but it seems like he is going to take his time. I have decided to leave the apartment more and get some exercise, I am not going too far or without Josh but I have to GET OUT! The baby is at full term so I don't think it can hurt for me to be a little more active. Maybe just a walk around the neighborhood in the evenings when Josh gets home from work.
Hopefully my next post will have baby pictures!!