Friday, October 26, 2007

End of October Update

Julien turns 8 weeks old tomorrow! I can't believe it has been almost two months since his birth. We are still having a lot of fun. He is a really starting to engage with people now. He just started laughing last week, he kind of opens his mouth in a big grin and then coughs. I am pretty sure it is a laugh because he is doing it fairly often while playing.

Grandma Gigi and Papa Mike are here visiting and Julien is having a great time with them. He spends each morning being read to, cuddled and talked to by his grandparents. Gigi is really good at making him laugh and talk which is a lot of fun to watch. They also bsrought costumes from the US. Julien will be a pirate for Halloween and he has a great Santa/reindeer ensemble for Christmas. He even has a Thanksgiving bib with a Turkey.

We have been having a great time with Josh's parents. When they aren't babysitting they are often cooking us terrific dinners and helping me with the house. Wednesday Glenda and I went shopping while Mike watched the baby, it was lovely to have an girls afternoon. We even had Champagne at Galleries Layfette. Josh and I also got a chance to go out to dinner just the two of us which was wonderful. We went to a fantastic Sushi place then stopped off for a glass of wine at a little wine bar. We were gone three whole hours!

Next week we are headed to the UK for a little mini vacation. Josh has to give a presentation in London so Juju and I are going to tag along and then the three of us will head to the lake district for a few days. I am not sure of the weather so I am digging out our warm clothes. I am still trying to lose the last 10-15 pounds of baby weight so I am having some difficulty finding stuff that fits. I guess my Boda-Bing pants will suffice in London as well as they have in Paris.

We are taking Julien on the plane for the first time. I really pray it goes well since we have already booked our flight to California in November. It will be only an hour next week but 11.5 hours to California! Hopefully he is a good baby and if not I hope the other passengers are forgiving!

Julien is alseep right now so I better take advantage of the down time and do some more laundry. The baby goes through at least two outfits a day, often three or four. Thank goodness for my dryer!

Hopefully Josh will post some pictures this weekend. I have a video of Glenda giving the baby a bath so that should be pretty good.

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