Pictures for those who aren't on facebook! Vivienne Grace Oliver was born 11/16/09. They took her out early by cesarean because of a blood phenotype incompatibility between her and Gena. It was the safer choice, and there was no complications due to the blood issue, and then the only complication was that Vivienne's lungs weren't fully developed at 36 weeks and she needed extra oxygen. So she is in the baby-ICU for a week or so until she's off the oxygen and they are sure she'll be stable. The pictures go backward with the first at the end.
Hi Folks. Here you will find endless streams of baby photos, commentary, and descriptions of our day to day life that we find interesting. Feel free to look around, make comments about what you like or don't like, and if you have picture request or anything don't be afraid to speak up! We run out of ideas sometimes. Well, maybe we will soon?
Clicking on pictures will open a much larger version.